El Scoot de Tucson II 10/3/10

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El Scoot de Tucson II 10/3/10

Post by Howardr »

Last year, we a great ride, celebrating the El Tour de Tucson bicycle ride. Let's do it again this year!

Exact times will be posted in the next couple of weeks, but here is the general idea: We will ride around the perimeter of Tucson, approximately 110 miles. Last year we had three sponsored stops along the way. Each stop had snacks and drinks and time to just sit around and visit with each other.

If you don't want to ride the entire distance, you can meet up with us at one of the stops, so you'll have your choice of riding 110 miles, 70 miles, 40 miles or about 20 miles.

We end the ride with a full Kansas City style BBQ meal cooked up by me. Last year we had pork, beef and turkey and will probably do the same this year.

This year I am adding a RAFFLE! What's a scooter get-together without a raffle? Great new, we are also going to have another Scooter Quilt as the grand prize!

Plan now for Sunday, October 3rd, all day.
There will be a $5 per rider charge to help defer the cost of all the food, but ask anyone who was there last year, it is worth it! Am I right?

I hope to see a lot of scooters. Who thinks they can make it?

Iron Butt Association Member Number 42256
Club - The Sky Island Riders.
Publisher: The Scooter 'Zine thescooterzine.com
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