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Any Stella owners out there?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:50 pm
by aowen
Hey, I'm pretty set on buying a Stella, but I've got a couple questions.

What sort of gas mileage do you guys actually get with it?

I'm concerned about size, I'm a big guy, 6'2, probably a little bigger than I should be, any big guys out there ride Stellas, would it be too small for me?

Could anyone take a picture of the storage underneath the seat, is it big enough to put some groceries in there or another helmet?

How are they in terms of reliability, are you guys having good experiences with them?


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:51 pm
by toddrw2251
I love stellas, but unfortunately there is no under seat storage. :cry:

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:55 pm
by aowen
oh well, scratch that one off the list,


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:38 pm
by kilted texan
Alex have you checked out Stella Speed.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:01 pm
by irishtim
Stellas are great and a good buy. I've had two. But like the other poster says no underseat storage. Still, with rack(s) and/or topcase it's a great grocery-getter with timeless design and mod cons too.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:03 pm
by Eazy
By days end I'll be a stella owner.

I've been trying to get one since 04.

I love them.

Shifting FTW!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:36 pm
by Johnny
I have a Stella.
As someone who rides both, I think you'd fit better on a Stella than a Buddy.
Overall, they are reliable - but require regular maintenance like any two stroke bike. Upgrade options are almost endless.
You should register at Stellaspeed and poke around there for a wealth of information, advice and tricks.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:45 pm
by Scooterpup
I have both a stella and a buddy 125 and love both. They are each unique in riding experience and charm. I will admit that not having underseat storage on the stella is not as convenient, but it does have a front glove box of sorts for small items, and you can always put a rack on it and carry a bunch of things, like groceries and beer.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:58 pm
by BGK
toddrw2251 wrote:I love stellas, but unfortunately there is no under seat storage. :cry:
That's the best part.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:14 am
by alienmeatsack
Another Stella owner here. Yeah, the lack of underseat storage (for anything but gas and oil) stinks, and the glove box is less than roomy for anything beyond your "kit" and some misc bits. No where to put a helmet or anything large.

I do love mine though, regardless of that.

I went out and took some pics for you in case it might help.

Here she is...

Under the seat:

Underseat detail:

Which then brings us to the luxurious glovebox:

As you can see, it's not exactly huge. But there's room for stuff for sure:



Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:25 am
by tatoepfer
My husband has a Stella - he's a big guy at 6'4" and he loves it.

I'm a more of a wee gal so I went with the Buddy.

Both scoots are great!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:26 am
by kazoo
I thought I read somewhere here that there was a mod to the side wheel skirt to be converted into a storage compartment after relocating the battery. Not sure about any of that though. Check with Stellaspeed if no one chimes in here to follow up.

I love those classic Stella lines. Beautiful.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:32 am
by alienmeatsack
Im on StellaSpeed and find it, well, frustrating at times. Don't get me wrong, there's good info to be had and some good peeps. But, many of the regulars think it's funny to harass others, esp newbs, for their mistakes, or for not searching for a thread with links to another thread that has vague instructions for something.

When someone asks me a question, I find the answer, I post pics, I try and help, or point them to a thread I know has good answers with pics and detailed info. Am I wrong in thinking others should do the same?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:00 am
by Syd
alienmeatsack wrote:Im on StellaSpeed and find it, well, frustrating at times... But, many of the regulars think it's funny to harass others, esp newbs... Am I wrong in thinking others should do the same?
It's the timeless problem with the internets. Anonymity seems to bring out the hidden 12year-old boy in many of us. I used to frequent several newsgroups (remember Usenet, anyone?) way back when. But it just got to be too much work filtering out the aggressive, profane crap.

Then there is the difficulty of expressing nuance in text - I am completely incable of it, for example. Stir all of the above together and you have the perfect recipe for the insecure, easily offended virtual 12 year old boy.

And the civility here is one of the things that makes MB so special. I don't know how much the mods need to do to keep it that way, but I'd like to think we mostly police ourselves. Two examples come to mind. In one someone told a story about getting hit in the 'manbits' by hail. In the other a thread titled Butt Sweat never devolved past the point of 'intense maleness'. How many sites on the Web can say that? Both terms are at the same time completely descriptive, hilarious, and suitable for (most) anyone.

So keep being helpful, ams. The rest of us will continue to try to do the same and try to be entertaining. And I hope we don't cause the mods tooo much work!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:10 am
by MikieTaps
I would like to be a stella owner. My friends Atomic Fireball Stella made me jealous I didnt have one... but shhhh :shhh: dont tell my buddy...

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:10 am
by MikieTaps
and by buddy i mean my scooter... my friend knows i am hella jealous

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:36 pm
by alienmeatsack
There's no reason why you can't own both a Buddy and a Stella. :)

Afterall, they are kin, so they'd get along swimmingly in your garage and your heart! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:09 pm
by pleasefeedthedog
Syd wrote:And I hope we don't cause the mods tooo much work!

Since you mentioned this, I thought I'd pass on this almost useless information. I have been putting together a forum (unrelated to scootering) and one of the features that it has as the administrators disposal is that it allows for filtering out of inappropiate words. For example, if our scooter society decides to ban the use of the word moped as a descriptor of scooter all the administrator has to do is set it up so that when anyone types moped the result will be scooter.

Happy Mopeding! Ooops


Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:10 pm
by MikieTaps
alienmeatsack wrote:There's no reason why you can't own both a Buddy and a Stella. :)

Afterall, they are kin, so they'd get along swimmingly in your garage and your heart! :D
I like the way you think... now I just have to find one... they seem to be sold out EVERYWHERE!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:16 pm
by alienmeatsack
MikieTaps wrote:I like the way you think... now I just have to find one... they seem to be sold out EVERYWHERE!
I got an endorsement from someone who doesn't know I am NVTS nuts :D

Seriously, good luck on finding one... It took me over a month of waiting and I lucked into the avocado green one I now know and love like she's my child.

The lady who got the red one (that I wanted) had been waiting for 2 or 3 months.

You should also keep an eye out in other cities. Never know when you might stumble into a Stella somewhere and be able to snatch it up!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:53 pm
by dru_
Syd wrote:
alienmeatsack wrote:Im on StellaSpeed and find it, well, frustrating at times... But, many of the regulars think it's funny to harass others, esp newbs... Am I wrong in thinking others should do the same?
It's the timeless problem with the internets. Anonymity seems to bring out the hidden 12year-old boy in many of us. I used to frequent several newsgroups (remember Usenet, anyone?) way back when. But it just got to be too much work filtering out the aggressive, profane crap.

Then there is the difficulty of expressing nuance in text - I am completely incable of it, for example. Stir all of the above together and you have the perfect recipe for the insecure, easily offended virtual 12 year old boy.

And the civility here is one of the things that makes MB so special. I don't know how much the mods need to do to keep it that way, but I'd like to think we mostly police ourselves. Two examples come to mind. In one someone told a story about getting hit in the 'manbits' by hail. In the other a thread titled Butt Sweat never devolved past the point of 'intense maleness'. How many sites on the Web can say that? Both terms are at the same time completely descriptive, hilarious, and suitable for (most) anyone.

So keep being helpful, ams. The rest of us will continue to try to do the same and try to be entertaining. And I hope we don't cause the mods tooo much work!
StellaSpeed and the ScooterBBS seem to take it to extremes. Zac, who owns / moderates StellaSpeed once also ran/moderated the Scootlanta boards, and the same things happened there pretty often. It changed hands a few months ago, and the new admin / moderator is excellent, and the general quality of the board has gone from just ok, to excellent. (props to Cj for busting his ass to make it happen).

Don't let it get to you though. despite some of the issues, the guys on StellaSpeed know their stuff, and are for the most part great people, just a little harsh on the forum.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:56 pm
by Scro
Alex -
How goes the hunt? I'm six days into Stella ownership and haven't stopped grinning yet. (Uhm, except maybe once or twice when I found the undocumented neutral between 2nd and 3rd.)

Keep checking around, there are Stellas to be had.

Alienmeatstack -
What happened to the white visor avatar?


Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:04 pm
by alienmeatsack
I don't use the avatar here because, well, thats a StellaSpeed thing... which I am going to change anyway. I am trying to get people to take me serious over there and stop with the ribbing that's gotten long in the tooth.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:03 pm
by Legend
alienmeatsack wrote:I don't use the avatar here because, well, thats a StellaSpeed thing... which I am going to change anyway. I am trying to get people to take me serious over there and stop with the ribbing that's gotten long in the tooth.
Call Scooter Invasion In Tempe, AZ. They have five of them and at 3300 OTD...including everything that is included with OTD...even if you had to have it shipped, you would still be ahead.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:10 pm
by alienmeatsack
Mikie, you see that, Stellas for the taking!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:14 pm
by MikieTaps

Now where did I leave that $3G's? :sigh:

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:21 pm
by alienmeatsack
Check legend's scoot, he's got 2K in his :D ... 41#p110741

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:05 am
by PeterC
There is room in Stella's glove compartment for two 1.75-liter bottles of Jim Beam, if that's any help.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:30 pm
by Frosty
I love my stella - 3 days now riding.

Keep your buddies and vespa's and cheap chinese, no offense but rode them all, Stella rules.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:18 am
by Frosty
MikieTaps wrote:and by buddy i mean my scooter... my friend knows i am hella jealous
Mikie they will have to pry it, my AF Stella out of my dead hands. :)

I get this all the time:

How fast does she go?

What is you mpg?

How big is the gas tank?


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:29 am
by kazoo
alienmeatsack wrote: Here she is...
I can only read the part on the glove box sticker that says not to operate at full throttle for extended periods. What's the rest above say?



Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:38 pm
by Frosty
Kazoo I almost walked out to look at mine - then recalled I drove my cage today.

:( Darn rainy days!