Yep; nothin's bulletproof.jasondavis48108 wrote: [ One thing I would say though, is that you still can't beat really good insurance. I saw a video (posted here somewhere I think) where they tested various motorcycle chain locks and the longest any of them lasted was about 50 seconds against a good cable cutter. I think the kryptonite ny fahgettaboudit lasted all of about 40 seconds.
Regrettably, I think that we may expect to see more theft from homes, so "layers" of safeguards - including good insurance policies - are called for. We insure even the little 49cc-ers, which are otherwise exempt from registration, tags, etc. It's just part of the realistic cost of ownership.
The bike shed is illuminated with energy-efficient floods, locked behind a locked fence, and alarmed. The tie-down shown is behind a six-foot fence around the yard: the gate is locked night and day, and illuminated nighttimes also. The only things we haven't done are to turn Rottweilers loose and string concertina.
Sad, this seige mentality. This is a stable and (relatively) prosperous suburb outside a major city; the seeming tranquility by day is belied by the police helicopters in tight circles overhead at night: thefts from parked autos, thefts from yards, garages, sheds.