<a href="topic13973.html#177879">Home Made Bike Lift</a> thanks, jmkjr72
Glove wipers (external link) <a href="viewtopic.php?t=13988&highlight=diy#178020">[i]thanks, Ericalm[/i]</a>
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=13731&highlight=diy#176198">Buddy Camera Mount</a> thanks, rsrider
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=10903&highlight=diy#140027">Custom Floorboards (Blur, but method applicable to Buddy)</a> thanks, davelhunter
<a href="topic14573.html">Creating an extension/riser for the rear rack</a> thanks, michelle_7728
DIY Heated Gear (external link) <a href="viewtopic.php?t=8766&start=250#178380">[i]thanks, Kaos[/i]</a>
<a href="topic6243.html">Cutting down your own seat</a> thanks, rickko
Cutting down your seat, tutorial 2 (external link)
<a href="topic14241.html">Charging system monitor</a> thanks, Charlie55
<a href="topic14380.html">Centerstand Mod to reduce scraping</a> thanks, dalvarado
<a href="topic14379.html">Buddy Battery compartment mod to accept a larger battery</a> thanks, dalvarado
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=6523&highlight=center+c ... enterstand pin lock</a> thanks, Scootertrash
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=10832&highlight=center+ ... +pin">Holy crap - here's the motherload of ideas thread</a> thanks, Scootertrash
Buddy Under-Frame Debris Shield thanks, Hugo
Stella Turn Signal Beeper/Buzzer Replacement by ericalm
Pictorial of installing a Gorilla 8007 alarm on a Buddy 125 by michelle_7728
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