2012 stella 4t

Stella, LML, Bajaj and other Indian scooters

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2012 stella 4t

Post by trev1318 »

Hello all!

New to the group , but just got my first stella! Unfortunately having some trouble with it. I took it to a local shop where they replaced spark plug, fuel lines, battery, tune up and oil. But they said it “starts cole” and is very difficult to get started. I picked it up this past thursday and the guy was able to start it (it did take a few tries) and rode it around some. I have had very little luck with getting it started. I have been reading that the cdi or ignition coil could be an issue? It turns over great and it just acts like it doesnt want to catch . Any help would be amazing. God bless.
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Re: 2012 stella 4t

Post by crankin »

I'm brand new to the group as well. My Stella has been a hard starter and took a long time to warm up. I recently saw a video showing how to adjust the choke cable. When I pulled the choke out all the way, it was not fully choked. I adjusted/tightened the choke cable so the cable was pulled tight and hitting the "stopper" when pulled out. It starts right up and idles very well now (while warming up). Just sharing my experience...
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Re: 2012 stella 4t

Post by spacewolf42 »

Hope you were able to find a fix. When I first got mine it took several trips to the mechanic before finding out the stator was bad. Think this was a common fault on the shifty run of 4t Stella's.
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